
Showing posts from March, 2021


INTRODUCTION     Hi guys! before we go to top 5 underrated offlane heroes, let me give you my standard requirement of a good offlane hero. 1. Sustain - this is the main factor of side lane because you cannot lane too long if you keep on losing hp without retreiving it. 2. Crowd Control - this is important when it comes to one on one battle. Crowd control helps you make a move whether you stun or slow an opponent in order to attack them or retreat. 3. Mobility - mobility has an important role in rotating, dodging skills, and playing offense and defense. When a hero has a good factors of these 3, I can consider them as a good offlane hero. So let's get to the top 5 underrated offlane heroes! NUMBER 5. GATOTKACA      This hero has a complete package. He has dash, crowd control, sustain, mobility, and damage. He can harass you all through your laning phase and can sustain himself as well. He can also gank as soon as he gets his ulti because it has a wide casting range. NUMBER 4. ALICE